What IS SatyaRasa? Satya is the Truth. Rasa is the Felt sense or Essence of Truth.

Explore Retreats


to a place where

discovering & living your Truth is within reach

What is SatyaRasa?

watch this video to find out



Align with your inner wisdom and embrace transformation with our Free ebook, "Discover Your Truth."
Learn simple practices to connect with your Truth and begin living your authenticity.

 Download now!

The information provided in this ebook is for general informational purposes only.

Difficult to imagine where I would be without Sonia's guidance.
Her healing energy is palpable - calm and centered, and her techniques are so practical for dealing with the ups and downs of existing in this world.  She is a skilled physical therapist and an amazing guide for the human spirit.  I am so grateful and happy that I "found" her - she has led me back to my true self.

Betsy M.

Leavenworth, WA

Here's where you can connect with your SatyaRasa

(your Essence of Truth)

Individual/personalized sessions

What prevents you from living your Truth?
conditioning influences, belief systems, pain...or something else?

A private session with Sonia will challenge, guide and inspire you to live your Truth.

Explore Private Sessions

Private Spiritual Events 

Choose from an a la carte "menu" of Spiritual flavors.

Thoughtfully curated, intimate Private Spiritual Retreat for a few hours, a day, a weekend or longer created just-for-you and your group. 

Hosted by Sonia.

Explore Private Events

SatyaRasa Retreats

Being in the company of like-spirited people in Retreat-mode will offer you an experience your Soul craves.  

Transformative weekend immersion is the key to unlocking your Authentic Self and living your Truth, your SatyaRasa.

Explore Retreats

I have had the pleasure of working with Sonia for more than six years.  The extent of the impact her work has had upon my life experience is beyond what I can summarize in a short statement.  Her unique abilities have provided guidance and practices to navigate the relationship complexities with this entity called self which the entire experience of life flows through and unfolds.  A very important perspective she offered was that my perceived difficulties are directly connected to a limitation to relate to the experience with openness, curiosity and honesty.  I now understand life's adversities are not problems, rather the opportunity life is offering to deepen my understanding to grow and expand this relationship with myself.  The quality of my life experience is directly proportional to the work I do in this area.  There is no better person that I have worked with to guide and support me on this challenging, magical, fascinating journey of discovery than Sonia.


Eric R. 

Leavenworth, WA

Hi, I'm Sonia.

I'm an integrative guide who helps self-driven, inner wisdom embracing people find their own truth,  so they can find sweet relief everyday from a lifetime of stories and burdens.


More about me

Lindsey M.

Leavenworth, WA

My sessions with Sonia over the last 10 years have been a foundational pillar of my healing. My time with her helped me to call back pieces of myself that I had quieted or buried over the years, and to feel the shifts in both my body and my psyche. Her work with the physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual realms always made a profound impact on my system, and her ability to track my patterns and reflect them back to me helped me to move forward with my healing. She has supported me in my postpartum years with two children, has cared for me as a mother and for my children, and has helped me to become more of myself. I am eternally grateful for her as a practitioner and a person.




A beautiful and sacred gathering where Truth blessed us all and was certainly discovered...gently and softly. 

Check out these clips of how we Discovered our Truth in N.C.

Breathwork Practices
Integration Circles and 
Bringing it all into the Body

and so much more....

The Truth is all around us, all of the time.. how are you tuning in??