What IS SatyaRasa? Satya is the Truth. Rasa is the Felt sense or Essence of Truth.

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Ā Blog Offerings for a Shift in Perspective

Water is Emotion--store it or let it flow? blockage cleansing destructive emotions energy expression flow water Nov 29, 2023

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change? Wayne Dyer. 

What do you notice in this picture? 

As I sat there and observed and really noticed. What I noticed was a question?

What wins? Nature or Manmade rock? 

if you look closely, you'll notice the top...

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SatyaRasa Offerings
A Body Scan for The Marvelous Nervous System: Learn how to be calm and in control
A Body Scan for The Marvelous Nervous System: Learn how to be calm and in control body sensations breath nervous system neuroplasticity reset retraining self-awarness stress Nov 14, 2023

Inside each of us, we have this command center: a marvelous, pliable, influence-able, teach-able, retrain-able system. This system is your Nervous System. 

First, a basic and brief anatomy lesson.

The Nervous System is made up of the Brain & Spinal Cord which is the Central Nervous...

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Clear your Field and the Truth will surface. Oct 30, 2023

Why am I such a believer in Truth?  Because, it's what's so.  

Truth is what is underneath all the stories, the layers, the conditioning, the masks etc...aka non-truths.

To get familiar with the Truth we must also get acquainted with Non-Truths. 

The Non-Truths are the things...

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